Do You Love Wearing White in Winter?

In saying all of that, I’m going to broach the subject about wearing white during the winter months!

The Modern Style

Maybe you’re wondering about how wearing a certain color can make you look more modern or relevant? Well, perhaps it can’t, but I do think that white jeans are a great look all year long! Maybe it’s the crispness they bring to an outfit? Maybe it’s the fact that we are being rebellious by wearing them after Labor Day?

The one way I can tell that it’s more contemporary to wear white jeans in the winter is the fact that I can’t find them on sale at the end of summer anymore. It goes to show that even when I present a new idea in a good light that there’s sometimes a downside as well, right?

Being Realistic

Of course, there is the realistic side of wearing white jeans, or even mostly white at any time of year. This would include the stains, dinginess and spills that can happen. And I know, many women will say that they can’t wear white because of these issues. And I get that!

There’s also the sloppy days after the snowfall where the grime and dirt would be too much for white jeans – unless you happen to be wearing your over-the-knee boots that day!

But let’s look at a couple of facts to act as counterpoints to these issues. One, I’ve seen stain resistant jeans available now. Wouldn’t that be a nice factor in all of our clothing?

Two, my mother, the model in many of these photos, pointed out to me that it’s easier to clean the all-white items. She said that you can bleach these articles and not worry about messing up the other colors. Now I’m sure this doesn’t work with all of the stains, but this suggestion could be helpful, yes?

What to Wear with Your White Jeans?

Absolutely anything goes with white. As a fashion blogger, I see a lot of outfits worn by every age group and size, and I’ve seen it all!

Some of us may think that you might be limited in the pairings of certain values or hues to combine with white. And I say hogwash! I’ve seen pastels, ivory, brights, black and every color imaginable look fantastic with white!

Why Do I Love This Look?

I think white jeans can pop any other color that you wear with it. For this example, I tried to vary the kinds of colors that we paired with our white jeans. The 50s model (me) wore a bright colored top. The 60s model (my stepmom) wore a more muted color tunic and the 70s model (my mom) wore a dark sweater.

Now in comparison, if we had worn our blue jeans or dark trousers with these same tops, the look would be overall more subdued. And perhaps, that’s your goal when you get dressed in the mornings. Maybe you don’t want to stand out and get attention?

Part of my goal on my blog, is for every woman to realize she is beautiful and wonderful. That’s part of the reason I want us all to stand out among the crowd. By this time in our lives, we have so much fabulous experience and knowledge that it seems a waste to sit back and not be noticed!

Will You Look “Bigger” in Your White Jeans?

I think this is one of the reasons that many women stay away from white clothing items, especially for the lower part of their body! And it’s true that certain colors can draw more attention to parts of our bodies. But I’d also like to point out two facts.

One is that the fit of an item is more important than the color. If a clothing item is too tight, then the item looks too small no matter what the person’s size or the number on the clothing tag. In comparison, if the item is too large, then it portrays a look of sloppiness, which is not a great look for any woman!

And I realize it can take tons of trying on to find the right size, but considering how much you can wear the item, it’s definitely worth the time. The other factor for getting the right fit is alterations. I know this can be an added expense and time commitment, but it’s truly the best way to get the correct fit for our items.

The second fact about wearing clothing that may possibly make you look bigger is the case that looking “big” is not a crime. I touched on this subject here with my mom (the 70s model) in her pleated maxi skirt. Sure, there are times that a particular clothing item may make you look thicker or show off your roundness.

But ladies, please, let us start loving our bodies as they are. That doesn’t mean you can’t have the goal to get in shape, but the truth is for right now – this is your body! Love it and dress it as it is. Whether it’s small or large does not make you better or worse. It’s a physical trait and should not inhibit you from looking great!

The truth of the matter is that our clothing can get stained and dingy over time, no matter what color it was originally. I talk about my method of dying white items here. This can be such a great process of transforming a well-fitting, quality item that has become stained into being usable again. There were a couple of great remarks on this post about how some women even dyed their black items black again when the piece had become washed out!

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